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"Learn continually. There's always 'one more thing' to learn!

-Steve Jobs

Increase your demo success rate, increase your bottom line, empower your sales team.

Welcome to Demochanics

Demochanics is the only company in the UK that solely focusses on training sales and support teams on perfecting technical client facing capital equipment demonstrations. It is a distillation of over twenty years experience of providing highly successful, innovative, and memorable product demos, combined with research from social psychology, neuroscience, and lessons taken from the entertainment industry, enabling your teams to fully engage your clients.

Many companies train their sales professionals on product knowledge and leave them to figure the rest out themselves. This invariably leads to "data dumping" causing potential customers to leave a demonstration with information that will be forgotten in a matter of minutes. Simply training sales teams on products leaves a huge gap in their knowledge.

Demochanics fills that gap.

Why Choose Demochanics?

Following our one day course - candidates will

  • Master the art of engaging and persuasive
    demonstrations to address customer needs.

  • Develop techniques to capture and maintain the audience's attention throughout the demo

  • Utilise interactive elements to involve the audience and create a personalised experience

  • Learn the 2 key ingredients for customer engagement and how to use them effectively

  • Understand the 10 elements of making the right first impression

  • Develop their self-confidence and understand the role it plays in their presentation style and the effect it has on others

  • Understand the power of storytelling, it's incredible neurological effects, and how to incorporate it into their demos

  • Learn how to properly prepare a demonstration by fully understanding their customer, their current situation, and their challenges

  • Construct bespoke and personalised demo formats that will perfectly address customer needs

At Demochanics we are passionate about helping people become confident and effective demonstrators. Our training program is designed to provide people with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to deliver great technical product demonstrations.

We believe everyone can deliver a great demo with the right training and support.

Our Services


One day in-house Demochanics course

The one day Demochanics course, delivered at your premises and includes any preliminary meetings required to ensure the content is tailored to specifically address your business requirements.

Attendees will be asked to prepare some pre-work to present for the course. This shall be sent no less than two weeks before the course date.


Open Courses (one day)

Join one of Demochanics regular open courses provided in venues around the country. A great option for smaller businesses or to bring new starters up to speed. Attendees will receive the full one day Demochanics training. Full guidance will be given to attendees on how to apply their principles in their particular field.

Max. 12 people per course


One day in-house Demochanics course + 3 month follow up

The one day Demochanics course, delivered at your premises plus a follow up session after 3 months.

Attendees will demonstrate the skills they have previously learned and be provided with structured feedback, as well as being given the chance to discuss any aspect of the training they may wish to expand upon.

Max. 8 people per course


One day in-house Demochanics

course + 3 and 6 month follow up

The one day Demochanics course, delivered at your premises plus follow up sessions after 3 and 6 months.

Attendees will demonstrate the skills they have previously learned and be provided with structured feedback, as well as being given the chance to discuss any aspect of the training they may wish to expand upon.

Max. 8 people per course

About Us

Demochanics Founder - Chris Uff

Chris spent over twenty years as a top performer in Scientific Sales, starting as a sales rep and progressing to National Manager and Head of Sales roles selling into big pharma, academia, healthcare and private biotech markets.

Selling mostly capital equipment, Chris' flair for demonstrations was well recognised within the industry, with one product trainer noting that they "...have been doing this for 16 years, and that is the best demo I have ever seen".

It is the unique combination of Chris' sales abilities and his outside activities has given him the tools to deliver outstanding demos. Since a young age Chris has been involved in performing as a musician, singer, comedian, magician, and hypnotist (not all at once!) which has given him a fundamental understanding of how to capture people's attention, keep hold of it, and direct it to where it needs to be.

Something Chris has always impressed upon his teams is that "sales is about people". By understanding people, their needs, their challenges, what makes them tick, their drives, passions, and motivations - as well a good helping of human psychology - sales effectiveness can be hugely improved.

Any Demochanics course lead by Chris is sure to be full of fun and laughter (and if you are lucky, some magic that will leave you scratching your head) and will leave attendees with the skills and confidence to take their demos to the next level.

Our Mission

Demochanics core mission is to EDUCATE, INSPIRE, and EFFECT CHANGE


Demochanics aims to fill the skill gap in sales teams when delivering product demonstrations.

Businesses generally do an excellent job of training their sales professionals on product knowledge and how to highlight the product features and benefits. However, if this is not delivered in a skilful, confident, and effective manner, this information will be quickly forgotten.

Demochanics equips your teams with the skills to deliver your demos in the most memorable, confident, and effective way possible.


Demochanics will challenge your team to think about demos in a different way. Can you honestly say that every member of your team fully realises the golden opportunity your business has with a demo, or is it seen to be something that is just another step in the sales process?

We impress upon our students that the demo truly is their "time to shine". By understanding how they can subtly control, engage, and have fun with their audience your teams will see their demos in a different light - and not least, enjoy the success it brings.

Effect Change

When is training effective?

Has your organisation invested in training that initially made a difference in the short term only to see if fall by the wayside?

Demochanics offers guidance for sales leaders to ensure that education doesn't just stop at the end of the course as well as inspiring students to constantly re-evaluate their skills.

We aim to offer knowledge and skills that will effect permanent change that students will actively use throughout their careers

Frequently Asked Questions


Why do you limit the number of students per course?

Demochanics contains interactive workshops that require students to individually demonstrate what they have learned. Numbers are limited so as this can happen within a reasonable timeframe. It also allows us to give students individual attention and opportunities for individual feedback.


I have 10 people I want training. Is that possible?

For maximum benefit, we would recommend booking two courses with 5 people on each course. Alternatively you can make use of the open courses or a combination of the two.


How can Demochanics help with demonstrating my particular product?

We do not teach your sales team about your product. We cannot do that! You are the the experts in your particular product and you will have your own methods for training your team on their product knowledge.

Demochanics teaches how to take that product knowledge then build and deliver highly effective and memorable demos


Do you offer follow up sessions after the Demochanics course?

Yes. We can arrange customised follow up sessions with your team. This is a great way to monitor, re-assess, and further develop the skills acquired on the Demochanics course.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements

Get in touch with us

To discuss your training requirements further, please contact us for a no obligation chat.

  • 07577103803


  • Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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  • 07577 103 803

  • Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, UK

  • Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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